Happy New Year


Happy New Year family. February is when we really start lol. Here we are again. Another year. Another time to get it right. Amidst all the craziness that life has been throwing at us recently I feel invigorated, revitalized, focused. More focused than I've been before. I know what I want, have a good idea on how to obtain it and am willing to do the work.

 For the past two years I've performed at WAY more shows than before but the ones that have encouraged this new focus are the few festivals I've been able to perform in. I did the Brooklyn Music Festival on Governor's Island, the African Arts Festival in Brooklyn, NY and the DreamOn Festival in Pittsburgh, PA. Each one was unique and amazing, though I admit Pittsburgh was the most fun.

 This was entirely new territory and I loved every minute of it. Being able to travel, perform in front of big crowds and introduce my brand, music and merchandise was an eye opening experience. I'm grateful for the opportunities and plan to expand my horizons.

 I say all that to say this: stop holding yourself back! Don't be afraid of your light. Don't be afraid to tread new territory. Don't be afraid to fall. Don't be afraid of your strength.  This will be a year of prosperity. I believe in you the same way you believe in me. Thanks for continuing to ride with me.

Oh, new music on the way!


photo by MoNae Mayweather