moment captured by ArtLikeUs
This past weekend was a bit of a blur. The crew and I set out to perform at two events in Pittsburgh. The first event was the DreamOn Festival at Market Square on August 4th and the second was Writings On The Wall IV w/ Tribe Eternal at Flow Lounge on August 5th. The DreamOn Festival was familiar territory because we performed there last year . Becoming a staple in an annual festival is a BIG deal so I definitely don't take it for granted. The vibe was incredible and it was dope we got the chance to be a vendor as well. We set up shop both days of the festival and that RTC merchandise went flying off the rack. People loved what we represented and it didn't hurt that our merch is dope.
The Writings On The Wall IV w/ Tribe Eternal was a new experience though. First off, Tribe Eternal is such a dope collective as well as dope people. They're humble as hell, work hard as hell and are in love with the music. It was evident when speaking with them after our performance on Friday. We spoke about the need for a safe space to participate in art and just be, how our music scenes are similar but different, the violence in the city and more. We vibed right away. The Flow Lounge, which they owned, was littered with paintings, drawings, pictures and life! I knew this show was gonna be special. No doubt when the next night rolled around I wasn't disappointed.
Soooo many people came out to support and show love. There was body painting, drinks, food, a wall with a canvas for everyone to paint on, henna tattooing, jam sessions, DJ's mixing, etc. All around dope vibes. Just beautiful people having a great time. Mic Blaque, DJ Skate Key, Obeah, The Muse & I rocked the hell out of that crowd. Everyone was moving and smiling and all around having a good time. The energy was unreal. After our set we mingled with people, sold more merch and acquired some new opportunities out there that I can't speak on till it's finalized. Pittsburgh is definitely becoming my second home.